YOUR report “First Mat Rempit, now Mat Sikal” (The Star, May 16) has irked me as I am now officially know as “Mat Sikal”.These so-called “cyclists” are giving the legitimate people who love the sport a bad name.Firstly, no (real) cyclist will ride without a helmet. Secondly, no cyclist will ride a bicycle without brakes.Thirdly, no cyclist will ride a bicycle without shoes!What these boys are riding is called a “fixie”.A “fixie” is a term for a bike on fixed gear. It has rear cogs that do not have freewheels (meaning the wheel will stop spinning if the rider stops pedalling).To stop the bike, the rider must stop pedalling.Now, imagine that they ride at 50kph, as claimed, and a car comes out of a junction, how do they stop? Will they stop in time? Will they end up as news the next day?What they are doing are giving us a bad name and motorists will see us as a nuisance in their daily commute.If the parents really care about their hobby, they should educate them to at least wear proper cycling helmets and learn to respect other road users.Please gear up and ride with your helmet on.To these self proclaimed “fixie” gang, please get yourself a real bike and pick up the hobby in a proper way! Respect the sport!TRISTUPE,
Petaling Jaya.
Source :- TRISTUPE reply to Star
We support you TRISTUPE, They give us cyclist a bad name.
Look at them, switching lane like they are the cars. Stick to the left lane please, the road is for everyone.
The people who paid their Road Tax would like to use the road as well. Put some brakes, at least a front brake for safety reason, unless you wanna die early then be my guest.
Just noticed the article being posted here. Many thanks! I've seen great improvement in safety awareness with the fixies. Down in my heart, they are cyclists too, i only want them to know that life is fragile. There is no point battling it out on the road just to be "cool". Mak Bapak jugak susah later...or worse case, if they have a young family...siapa susah?